Acquapilates in English—A theory of rehabilitation and quality of life.

Marcelo Roque – Brazil – México

There are several theories of rehabilitation and quality of life, but one widely recognized theory is the World Health Organization’s (WHO) International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF).

The ICF is a comprehensive framework that describes health and disability in terms of an individual’s functioning and contextual factors that impact their ability to participate in society. The ICF focuses on the person’s abilities rather than just their impairments, and it recognizes the importance of environmental factors, such as social support, accessibility, and attitudes towards disability.

The ICF is a person-centered approach that aims to promote rehabilitation and enhance quality of life by addressing the barriers that individuals with disabilities face in participating fully in society. It provides a common language and framework for healthcare professionals, policymakers, and researchers to communicate and collaborate in addressing the complex needs of individuals with disabilities.

Overall, the ICF serves as a valuable theory of rehabilitation and quality of life, providing a holistic and inclusive perspective on disability and functioning that emphasizes the importance of addressing environmental and social factors in promoting participation and well-being.

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